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National Treasury appoints MTN as new mobile communication provider to Government
30 March 2021
MTN is proud to announce that National Treasury RT15 bid evaluation committee has appointed MTN SA as a service provider to government, through its new mobile communication services contract, known as RT15-2021. The RT15 2021 Transversal contract allows for all entities of state to utilise the contract for mobile communication services, which will further assist with cost containment.
The scale of the government’s requirements has allowed MTN to develop industry-leading systems and innovative pricing and products that will not only add value to the state but will also significantly improve on existing mobile telecommunications service delivery, while also allowing for a high degree of control of spend by the individual entities.
Godfrey Motsa, the Chief Executive Office of MTN South Africa, said he and his executive team are proud to accept the call to serve the country, through the provision of these vital services. “We are both humbled and honoured by the faith National Treasury has shown in MTN with this critical partnership over a five-year term. A huge team at MTN spent months analysing the state’s requirements and then developing the very best solutions to not only meet those expectations, but to exceed them,” Motsa said. “We were delighted with the very positive reaction from the RT15-2021 bid committee to our service offerings and we are so proud that a company that is South African to its very core, will be delivering to our entities of state.”
Independent tests have, in recent years, consistently shown MTN to unequivocally hold the Best Network in South Africa title and the reach and quality of the MTN network has been an important contributor to the award, but more can be achieved for the people of South Africa. The allocation of the temporary spectrum by the telecommunications regulator, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, showed the power and agility that lies with the purposeful allocation of additional spectrum. With the temporary spectrum, MTN has been able to zero-rate over a thousand health and education websites, expand its reach into underserved communities and further boost its quality in high density areas.
“The allocation of permanent spectrum will see government services and officials, through the RT15 contract, being important beneficiaries of the spectrum’s immediate value through further enhancements to MTN’s superior network, expanded reach into currently underserved communities and further quality gains in all parts of the country – which is why we are anxious to support any moves to mediate a solution to the current spectrum delays,” Motsa said.
Wanda Matandela the Chief Enterprise Officer at MTN SA said the scale and scope of RT15 makes this both critical and fascinating.
“In addition to mobile devices, accessories and value-added services, there are vital operations that must be maintained, such as air operations, the needs of the special task force, sea, rail, satellite and other critical functions. We at MTN are deeply encouraged by the responsiveness of the bid committee to our solutions and we look forward to serving our state, as part of the panel of service providers to government, with cost-effective and quality solutions that will help facilitate its work in serving the people of South Africa,” he said. For details on the transversal contact and what it means to government departments, please visit the National Treasury website at: http://www.treasury.gov.za/divisions/ocpo/ostb/contracts/default.aspx