Empowering Africa’s Digital Innovation

The Chenosis marketplace presents tailored solutions to elevate businesses across diverse sectors, from government agencies to insurance firms, banking institutions, SMEs, and soon – entrepreneurs. This versatile collection of code comes in different forms: APIs that can be stacked innovatively for enterprises, or pre-packaged code platforms and apps that help tech start-ups build better, faster, and cheaper. Chenosis is where you can shop for solutions and monetise your code through our network of African markets.

Explore a curated selection of offerings, featuring MTN APIs and various partner solutions, driving transformation across critical areas such as mobile identity, fraud prevention, and financial inclusion. With a commitment to tech accessibility, Chenosis empowers individuals to innovate and thrive, and is committed to bridging gaps through initiatives like hackathons and mentorship programmes, and introducing attainable resources that will unlock transformation for ambitious Africans.

The Chenosis ecosystem cultivates collaboration, every contribution accelerates collective progress. Joining this forward-thinking community to capitalise on our connected world.

Discover, connect, and thrive with Chenosis – your accelerator platform.

Africa's first marketplace to buy and sell code
Solve for localised and universal strategies and monetise your code.
Making code accessible
Offering diverse solutions, that you can pay per use, no subscription needed.
Commercial today to empower community tomorrow
Building an ecosystem that will enable all Africans to accelerate their progress.

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