Category: Spotlight stories

MTN Group’s commitment to shared value in Africa extends beyond providing essential connectivity. In 2023, our total tax contribution to governments across all markets increased by more than 12% to R61.7 billion. This figure encompasses the direct corporate taxes we pay, indirect taxes, operating licence fees, payroll taxes, property rates, dividend taxes and withholding taxes.

“Our total tax contribution is equivalent to the cost of building more than 500 high-quality schools,” notes MTN Group Chief Financial Officer Tsholo Molefe, adding that governments across our markets could use our total tax contribution (TTC) to invest in infrastructure, education, healthcare and a wide range of other public services.

“Our commitment to paying our fair share of taxes supports the positive relationships we have with governments and communities; it also promotes stability and predictability in the business environment,” said Molefe, adding: “This not only attracts foreign investment but also creates new job opportunities, further stimulating economic growth across the continent.”

To maintain transparency, MTN releases an annual Tax Report as part of its suite of reports. This year, we mark 30 years of connecting people and driving digital and financial inclusion. We recognise that the business’s growth in this time would not have been possible without the trust and support of our many stakeholders.

“We build public trust through transparency, including open communication about our tax affairs, including via our Tax Report,” Molefe said.

The report details our broader economic contribution across our markets – beyond the corporate taxes we pay. It also unpacks the evolving global tax environment, MTN’s approach to tax, tax governance, our TTC by market, as well as our effective tax rates.

In 2023, our West and Central Africa (WECA#) region accounted for 39% of our independently assured total tax contribution.This was followed by Nigeria, with 31%; our Southern and East Africa (SEA^) region at nearly 14%; and South Africa at almost 11%.

“We are very pleased to play our part in supporting Africa’s progress and encourage stakeholders to explore our Tax Report for a detailed look at our impact beyond the economic activity created through providing essential communications services across 17 African markets.”

For our 2023 Tax Report, please see MTN Group | home (

In 2005, a heartwarming story unfolded in the heart of Uganda. Alice, a 70-year-old widow and the sole caregiver for seven orphans, lived in a humble mud-and-reed shack in the village of Naama in the Mukono district outside Kampala.

One day, her life took an unexpected and joyful turn. A busload of MTN employees, their faces beaming with warmth, arrived in her village, not as telecom professionals but as compassionate builders. Their mission: working with Habitat for Humanity to construct a sturdy, four-room brick house with a well-ventilated pit latrine for Alice and the children – they were going to do the same for her neighbours, Namisango and Harriet, who were also widows.

The houses that MTN built

With infectious enthusiasm, the MTN team, sporting bright yellow T-shirts and bandanas, got to work. Under the watchful eyes of skilled masons, the MTN staff split into three groups, each allocated to a different site. Together, they tossed bricks, mixed mortar, and built walls for the new homes that would soon become safe havens for Alice, Namisango and Harriet.

The laughter and camaraderie filled the air, a testament to the power of community and shared purpose. As the walls rose, so did the hopes and dreams of those who would soon call these places home.  After six hours of dedicated labour, the walls had reached window level, and the MTN team could take a break. They chatted with the villagers, including the astonished but delighted Alice, Namisango and Harriet, and shared in the joy they were creating.  As the sun began to set, they headed home, leaving the finishing work to the professional builders, but with hearts full of accomplishment and a renewed sense of purpose.

By 2005, MTNers in Uganda, in partnership with Habitat for Humanity, had constructed over 200 low-cost houses for underprivileged rural communities. This act of kindness, while significant, was just the beginning of MTN’s commitment to community development. These MTNers were practising something that would only be formalised two years later, in 2007, with the launch of 21 Days of Y’ello Care, a group-wide initiative that has touched countless lives across Africa. This initiative marked a significant step in MTN’s journey, showing MTNers’ commitment to making a lasting impact.

Labours of love

Since its inception in 2007, 21 Days of Y’ello Care has become an annual tradition, happening every June (except for 2020 when COVID-19 intervened). MTNers from across the continent eagerly roll up their sleeves to participate, dedicating their time and skills to directly improve the lives of people in the communities they serve.

Over the years, Y’ello Care has evolved into a powerful force for good. As many as 13,000 staff a year have participated, leaving an indelible mark on countless lives. They have constructed not only homes but also schools where children’s laughter fills the air, hospitals where healing takes place, and computer labs where dreams are ignited. They have painted and rehabilitated schools and hospitals, organised blood donation drives to save lives, refurbished streets and orphanages, and empowered communities with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive.  From remote villages to bustling cities, the impact of Y’ello Care has been felt far and wide, leaving behind a trail of gratitude and renewed hope.

To encourage and recognise their efforts, volunteer staff, with the support of their suppliers, compete for trophies and an annual top prize of US$100,000 awarded by the Group President and CEO for the best Y’ello Care campaign – with funds promptly reinvested in ongoing CSI projects in the winning countries.

A lasting World Cup legacy

In 2010, MTN partnered with United Against Malaria (UAM) as part of the Group’s “We can’t wait. Let’s go 2010” campaign during the FIFA World Cup. This project, aimed at combating malaria, involved educating communities and distributing over 28,000 mosquito nets to at-risk individuals. MTN also committed to being malaria-safe in all 16 of its African markets and donated R275,000 raised from World Cup fan parks to UAM.

In 2012, as part of Y’ello Care, MTN ran its first group-wide Y’ello Global Career Day, aimed at preparing close to 7,500 young people for jobs in the digital economy. In the same year, also focusing on education, MTN Cameroon refurbished several public libraries in five municipalities, including the establishment of an e-library. A nationwide publicity drive collected more than 100,000 books for these libraries, most of which were in rural and underprivileged parts of the country.

In 2018, Sudan won the Group President and CEO’s Y’ello Care award after running three business clinics hosted by MTN employees, two of which were aimed at young people who wanted to start their businesses or youths with solid entrepreneurial ideas but who needed support in business-related subjects. A third clinic targeted people with disabilities with practical help in converting recycled materials into commercial products. Drawing in a number of business partners to support those attending the various clinics ensured the continuing sustainability of the project – beyond the 21 days of Y’ello Care.

Y’ello Care: A legacy of empowerment

The 2024 Y’ello Care initiative, themed “Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow,” and extended to 30 days in celebration of MTN’s 30th anniversary, recently concluded with unprecedented staff mobilization across the continent. The initiative focused on bridging the educational divide in the digital age, with employees engaging in impactful activities such as school refurbishments, establishing digital libraries, providing access to online educational resources, and conducting digital literacy training programs for students and teachers.

From Alice’s new home in Uganda to countless other lives transformed across the continent, Y’ello Care stands as a shining example of MTN’s enduring legacy of making a difference. It is a testament to the power of collective action, reminding us that even small acts of kindness can create a ripple effect of positive change that echoes through generations. As MTN continues its journey, Y’ello Care will remain a cornerstone of its mission, ensuring that MTN’s impact extends far beyond telecommunications, enriching the lives of communities throughout Africa and creating a brighter future for all.

In honour of our 30th anniversary, MTN Group is proud to announce a special edition of our flagship employee volunteerism programme, “21 Days of Y’ello Care,” now extended to “30 Days of Y’ello Care.” This year’s campaign, themed “Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow,” focuses on bridging the educational divide in underserved communities across MTN’s operational footprint.

2024 marks a significant milestone for MTN, celebrating 30 years of innovation, connectivity, and social impact. The “30 Days of Y’ello Care” initiative further demonstrates our commitment to leveraging technology and resources to empower communities and create a better, more inclusive future for all.

MTN recognises the transformative power of education. Through the “Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow” campaign, we aim to provide essential digital learning resources, reliable internet access, and engaging educational platforms to students and educators in underserved areas. By doing so, we are opening doors to opportunity and fostering the next generation of leaders.

The theme – Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow, embodies our passion for creating a world where every young person has access to the tools required to reach their full potential,” said MTN Group Chief Sustainability & Corporate Affairs Officer, Nompilo Morafo. “The 2024 campaign targets educational inequity, reflecting our deep-rooted commitment to empowering communities. It’s about fostering the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders who will shape their communities and the global landscape for years to come.”

The “30 Days of Y’ello Care” campaign will run from June 1st to 30th, 2024. Thousands of MTN employees will unite in this shared mission, participating in activities designed to make a lasting impact on educational access and quality.

The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector thrives on innovation and fresh perspectives. At MTN, we believe a diverse and inclusive workforce is the key to unlocking these possibilities. Leaders like Titilope Fakuade, Chief Technology and Information Officer at MTN Benin, embody this philosophy.

Titilope’s journey in ICT underscores the importance of embracing diverse backgrounds. “My background in physics laid the groundwork for my career in technology,” she reflects, emphasising the transferability of skills from diverse academic backgrounds. This insight reinforces the idea that success in technology isn’t confined to a single educational path. It encourages individuals from all disciplines to see the potential for valuable contributions in the world of ICT.

Early in her career, Titilope encountered gender disparities common in the field. “In the physics class, as an undergrad, we were about 56/57 students and out of that less than 10 were females,” she recalls. Rather than dwell on these challenges, she remained steadfastly focused on building her expertise and delivering impactful work. Her drive, along with the inspiration provided by female leaders like Linda Saint-Nwafor, former CTO at MTN Nigeria, fuelled her determination to excel in technology. “Seeing women in leadership roles showed me what was possible,” she affirms.

Mentorship has played a pivotal role in Titilope’s career, a value she champions at MTN. Her advice for young women in Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) echoes her own journey: “You’re capable of achieving much more than you know. Challenge yourself and push beyond your self-imposed limitations.” She also stresses, “If you believe you can do it, then that is a great step in getting it done.” Titilope’s words are a reminder that confidence and resilience are essential for girls aspiring to careers in ICT. These challenges can be met with a growth mindset and a determination to succeed.

As a leader, Titilope advocates for practical strategies that empower women in technology. “There is a need to expose, educate, and create some level of growth for women in different positions and opportunities,” she states. Through targeted recruitment initiatives, flexible work arrangements, and programs that support professional development, MTN actively fosters an environment where women can thrive in the technology sector.

MTN’s commitment to inclusivity goes beyond internal policies; it is reflected in how we engage with and inspire the next generation of leaders in ICT and across all facets of our business . Through initiatives that elevate the visibility of female role models in ICT, we seek to affirm that leadership positions are attainable for women who set their sights on them. This is exemplified by our efforts to organise workshops and seminars, as well as creating platforms for influential women in technology, such as Titilope, to impart their experiences and perspectives. In a recent event during Women’s Month in March 2024, we initiated a focused discussion on Male Allyship led by our Group President and CEO Ralph Mupita, and our most senior leaders from across our business exploring how men can enhance their support for amplifying women’s voices within organisations and the broader community.

The focus on mentorship is particularly strong at MTN, recognising its crucial role in professional development. We motivate our leaders to proactively mentor emerging talents, aiding them in navigating the intricacies of the ICT industry. This mentorship is not only about reinforcing the importance of their contributions but also includes offering practical advice on career advancement, addressing workplace challenges, and achieving a balance between professional and personal life—key elements for building a sustainable career in technology.

Titilope’s advocacy for creating opportunities for women in technology is matched by MTN’s dedication to this cause. By implementing targeted recruitment initiatives that ensure diversity in hiring, MTN not only enriches its workforce but also strengthens the tech ecosystem as a whole. Flexible work arrangements are another area where MTN leads by example, recognising that accommodating the diverse needs of our employees promotes a healthier, more productive workplace.

MTN’s efforts to build bridges and break barriers in the ICT sector are embodied by leaders like Titilope Fakuade. Her journey and leadership not only inspire women to pursue careers in technology but also highlight the transformative impact of inclusivity in fostering innovation. At MTN, we remain committed to advancing this cause, ensuring that our workforce reflects the diversity of the communities we serve and that our leadership drives the change needed for a more inclusive future.

Next week, we will spotlight stories from our Global Graduates and highlight their journey within ICT and the STEM sector.

MTN and Ericsson today announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at advancing sustainability, digital skills, and education across Africa. The announcement was made at the Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2024, Spain.

This partnership underscores both companies’ dedication to driving positive change across the continent. Under the MoU, Ericsson and MTN Group will collaborate on sustainability initiatives in line with principles of United Nation’s (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17. This partnership builds on Ericsson’s and MTN’s unique experience and resources within the telecoms sector in leading digital solutions for Africa’s progress.

Aligned with Ericsson’s Net Zero ambitions and MTN’s Road to Zero pledge under its Ambition 2025 strategy. The companies will explore opportunities to develop and promote innovative Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions for the decarbonization of their value chain ecosystem, enabling sustainable practices and contributing towards achieving their Net Zero commitments. This supports the UN SDG 17 target “promote sustainable technologies to developing countries” which encourages the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries on favourable terms.

Ericsson will provide its industry-leading and sustainable products and solutions that optimise network efficiency, reduce energy consumption and minimising network waste. Additionally, Ericsson and MTN Group will leverage their expertise in skills development through Ericsson’s Connect to Learn program and the MTN Skills Academy, respectively to boost digital and ICT skills development, enhancing competitiveness and employability. 

Sustainability is at the core of the MTN’s Ambition 2025 strategy,” says Nompilo Morafo, Group Chief Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer, MTN. “This partnership with Ericsson reiterates our commitment to driving meaningful change. By adopting a cooperative approach working together, we will create a positive impact on the environment, empower communities through digital skills development, and contribute to a more sustainable Africa.

Fida Kibbi, Vice President and Head of Marketing, Communications and Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility at Ericsson Middle East and Africa, says: “Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility underpins everything we do. We are thrilled to partner with MTN Group on their ambitious journey towards Net Zero and digital inclusion. The Memorandum of Understanding underscores our long-standing partnership and builds upon our shared commitment to creating a more sustainable future. Together, we are empowering a sustainable and connected Africa aligning with Ericsson’s #AfricaInMotion vision.”


MTN Group is pleased to welcome 25 bright young minds to develop software solutions for our operations and contribute to delivering on our strategy of ‘leading digital solutions for Africa’s progress’. 

15 enthusiastic young people in Johannesburg and 10 in Cape Town have joined MTN Software Solutions, an entity established to bring software delivery inside the MTN organisation in a centralised way.

The interns join MTN from the not-for-profit organisation, WeThinkCode_(WTC), where they were trained extensively as software developers. WTC was founded in 2016 as both a social impact venture – recruiting previously disadvantaged youth, and a solution to a pressing business problem – a shortage of tech talent.

Their energy, talent and diversity are not just an addition to our team, but an important step in our commitment to innovation, inclusivity and leading digital solutions for Africa’s progress,” said Marcin Waligora, MTN Group Executive: Software Engineering.

Marcin Waligora, a seasoned information technology executive with more than 20 years’ experience, joined MTN in March 2023 to lead MTN Software Solutions. Under his guidance, the interns will help MTN accelerate the time to market of software projects, and to improve the customer experience and productivity at the Group.

Among the interns is 27-year-old Venus Chappie. “I’m delighted to share that I’m starting a new position as a software engineering intern at MTN! As part of the company’s COE (Centre of Excellence), I plan to hold my head up high and stand as living proof that you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to,” she posted on LinkedIn of her expectations of being part of the programme, which is aligned to MTN’s efforts to promote more women in technology roles. Of the 25 interns, three-quarters are women.

MTN Group is pleased to announce its partnership with Legs4Africa, an organisation dedicated to providing prosthetic limbs and comprehensive support to amputees across Sub-Saharan Africa. Announced during the “Doing Good for Africa’s Progress” segment at MTN’s Global Group Leadership Gathering.

This collaboration underscores the company’s enduring commitment to leveraging its vast resources for meaningful societal impact, bridging the digital divide, and fostering a more inclusive, empowered, and connected society. Legs4Africa has made significant strides in addressing the critical shortage of prosthetic care and rehabilitation services in Sub-Saharan Africa, a region home to over 1.7 million amputees in need of artificial limbs to regain their independence.

Speaking at the event, Tom Williams OBE, Technical Director: Legs4Africa said:“Our work is not possible without the support of generous organizations like MTN. To be your chosen sponsor for this year’s GLG ensures that those with limb differences are afforded the opportunity to thrive in their community, – and that is incredible. Your donation has also gone towards ensuring that individuals get access to holistic rehabilitation, and a second chance at life.”

Nompilo Morafo, MTN Group’s Chief Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer, expressed her enthusiasm for the initiative, stating, “Our partnership with Legs4Africa is a testament to our unwavering commitment to making a real difference. It showcases our focus on utilizing our technology and resources to create a more inclusive society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.”

In a concrete manifestation of its commitment, MTN Group has pledged £15,000 to support the distribution of prosthetic limbs across several African countries. This contribution will directly support amputees in six countries in which MTN and Legs4Africa operate – Ghana, Uganda, Rwanda, Liberia, Benin, and Zambia providing them with the prosthetics needed to regain mobility and access to comprehensive rehabilitation services to support their emotional and physical recovery in aftercare.

Furthermore, the partnership enables opportunities for integrating beneficiaries into digital platforms and leverages accessibility technologies to allow for access to all. Through initiatives like the MTN Skills Academy, the collaboration further aims to offer digital and financial skills training opportunities, preparing beneficiaries for their future economic participation.

This collaboration emphasises the importance of partnerships in achieving lasting social and economic impact. By uniting with Legs4Africa, MTN amplifies its capacity to tackle complex social challenges, fostering inclusive and sustainable change in the lives of individuals and communities throughout Africa.

MTN Group has announced the winners of the 2023 Y’ello Care Awards, recognising the work done by more than 5 000 MTN volunteers across our operations to nurture grassroot entrepreneurs during the annual ‘21 Days of Y’ello Care’ campaign.

Y’ello Care is an opportunity for MTN employees to volunteer their time and resources to support their communities. The Y’ello Care Awards showcase the power of collective effort and affirm MTN’s role as a catalyst for positive change and inclusive growth in Africa.

MTN Uganda was named the overall winner of the 2023 campaign, themed “Empowering entrepreneurs to unlock growth and job creation for communities”. This theme was chosen because of the role that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play in driving economic development, particularly in Africa, where they contribute up to 45% of employment and 33% of GDP[1].

At MTN, we know that real progress is made through collaboration, innovation and a shared commitment to empowering others,” MTN Group Chief Sustainability & Corporate Affairs Officer Nompilo Morafo said.“The Y’ello Care Awards are a celebration of this and a tribute to the dedication of our employees who volunteer their time and expertise to make a positive difference.”

In line with MTN’s strategic intent of ‘leading digital solutions for Africa’s progress’, MTN Uganda provided tech infrastructure, connectivity, and training to SMEs to enhance digital and financial literacy and equip entrepreneurs with the skills they need to navigate the digital marketplace.

MTN Cameroon won the West and Central Africa (WECA) region award for its work to empower female entrepreneurs and people with disabilities. Key initiatives included workshops, the provision of adapted co-working spaces, and assistive technologies. These efforts were aimed at creating an inclusive environment conducive to business growth.

MTN Eswatini received the Southern and East Africa (SEA) region award for a five-project campaign, including the ‘Trash to Treasure’ initiative focusing on waste management and entrepreneurship training for disadvantaged youth, and a greenhouse project supporting women farmers.

MTN Sudan scooped the special recognition award for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, acknowledging the operation’s commitment to maintaining connectivity for communities even under challenging circumstances. Sudan remains home to the largest child displacement crisis in the world, with over three million children fleeing the war. MTN Sudan’s connectivity centres are playing an instrumental role in supporting child-friendly safe learning spaces.

MTN’s commitment to supporting SMEs extends beyond our dedicated 21 days of Y’ello Care initiative to a broader strategy to empower businesses through technology and connectivity solutions. Recognising the critical role we play in an increasingly hyper-connected world, MTN leverages our Enterprise Business to cater to the evolving communication and ICT needs of SMEs.

Whether its equipping entrepreneurs with the latest technologies, supporting women-led businesses, or fostering sustainable agriculture practices, MTN’s support goes beyond connectivity. It’s about building relationships, understanding needs and offering tailored solutions that empower businesses to chart their own course.

Looking ahead, we remain steadfast in our commitment to social responsibility, hand-in-hand with communities, as we build a more prosperous and equitable future for Africa.

[1] World Bank, 2020

Basic internet access is the gateway to the digital world, creating opportunities to transform individuals’ lives, companies’ prospects and society’s sustainability.

In the telco industry, the major obstacles to ubiquitous broadband access are well understood: they range from gaps in coverage, to expensive handsets, to data unaffordability, to low levels of digital literacy.

In the past few years there has been notable progress to address these barriers to internet access for all. For example, the GSMA says the coverage gap in sub-Saharan Africa narrowed to 17% in 2022 from 50% in 2014.

This is no doubt encouraging, except if you are one of the 17% of people still without access. These people – mostly living in remote areas far from cities – must despair and feel that they really are being left behind. We owe it to them to do better. It is incumbent on us all to come up with a solution, and to do so quickly.

No time to lose

At MTN, we are inspired by our belief that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life. We are driven to deliver on our Ambition 2025 strategic intent of ‘Leading digital solutions for Africa’s progress’.

Time is of the essence, so we recognise that we cannot do it alone. Partnerships are essential. In recent years we have helped narrow coverage gaps in rural areas by collaborating with several rollout partners and by deploying new technology using OpenRAN.

To complement our terrestrial network – where the terrain can be difficult for radio sites and backhaul transport and sparse population distribution often makes regular cellular rollout uneconomical – we are now exploring the skies. Specifically, we are partnering for low earth orbit (LEO) satellite connectivity to connect the unconnected, extend mobile connectivity to more rural and remote areas and improve resilience.

In this way, we are working to achieve our goal of 95% broadband population coverage across our footprint by 2025, from 88% in 2022. And in the longer term, we are determined to achieve universal access.

LEO satellites typically orbit the Earth at altitudes of between 160 and 2 000 km, making for shorter orbital periods (of between 90 minutes and a few hours) which is good for applications that need rapid data communication or frequent re-visits of specific areas.

The lower altitude contributes to lower signal travel times, resulting in lower latency. This is crucial for real-time communication, video conferencing and online gaming. And the sharp fall in the cost of launching 1kg of payload into space (from US$85 000 in the 1980s to around US$1 000 now) has added to the attractiveness of using LEO satellites.

Distinct yet complementary solutions

Central to our approach are two distinct yet complementary LEO-based solutions. The first employs direct-to-cellular technology to augment network access in traditionally under-served regions. Importantly, this technology is device-agnostic, ensuring compatibility with existing mobile units and requiring no special modifications.

The second solution uses LEO satellites to provide critical fixed connectivity for enterprise customers and efficient backhaul connectivity for MTN cellular sites. This is particularly relevant in remote and rural locations, where it offers a more affordable and efficient alternative.

In advancing this work, multiple initiatives are underway, including upcoming direct-to-cell trials with Lynk Global in South Africa and Ghana. Discussions are also taking place with providers like AST SpaceMobile for trials in Nigeria and South Sudan. Concurrently, there are ongoing engagements with SpaceX’s Starlink, with enterprise-grade trials underway in Rwanda and Nigeria. In parallel, we are advancing discussions with Eutelsat OneWeb for a planned pilot in South Africa.

While the typical financing model would be a revenue-sharing one (where the customer is MTN’s and the satellite infrastructure belongs to the LEO satellite vendor), our agreements with various vendors are negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

We have also approached each partnership with a profound sense of purpose. Each collaboration, each pilot, and each successful trial and commercial deployment represents a deliberate step toward narrowing the digital divide, enriching lives, and empowering the communities we serve.

Tapping into the transformative power of satellites

The transformative potential of this satellite approach has been demonstrated in MTN’s recent ‘proof of concept’ trial with Lynk Global in the remote village of Gowehn, Liberia. During the demonstration, about 25km from the nearest mobile coverage, a standard mobile phone was able to connect directly to Lynk Global’s satellite mobile base station in orbit.

Using MTN’s spectrum and Lynk’s network, the device successfully received a cell broadcast message and illustrated the capacity to send and receive text messages. The text was an initial use case; we have plans to carry out proof-of-concept trials for voice and data in some key markets.

We are also collaborating with Omnispace to explore the use of S-band for satellite services to expand MTN’s portfolio of wireless service in both MTN and Omnispace’s markets. This initiative underscores both companies’ commitment to develop cost-effective global connectivity solutions beyond existing cellular land-based networks.

The companies will explore combining MTN’s terrestrial mobile networks with Omnispace’s non-terrestrial network, leveraging 3GPP standards to service consumer mobile and enterprise IoT services. We will also consider opportunities to work together in developing and growing an ecosystem of devices and software.

As excited as we are by the LEO opportunity, it is important to note that most LEO satellite providers will be offering 4G as the mainstream technology, which means that we need to continue our work to get affordable 4G devices to customers.

By exploring new ways to connect the unconnected using innovative yet accessible technology, we are paving the way for an ‘always-on’ future where a modern connected life is accessible to everyone.

By Mazen Mroué, MTN Group Chief Technology and Information Officer

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, MTN is committed to ensuring that women and girls have equal opportunities to participate in the digital economy. We understand that in this era, providing girls with equal access to digital training and education through our CSI initiatives is pivotal in shaping a digital future.

As a company, we are steadfast in our dedication to connectivity, inclusion, and skills development for all, with a specific focus on women and girls. We are actively engaged in initiatives aimed at kindling girls’ interest in STEM, with the aim of inspiring them to pursue careers in these future-oriented fields where women are often underrepresented. Every day, we see girls taking on incredible challenges that may seem impossible, and every day, we witness more and more evidence supporting the fact that they are unstoppable.

In Congo Brazzaville, our partnership with Chevron has given rise to the “One Woman = One Training in ICT” program, designed to cultivate digital skills among selected women. This initiative encompasses essential modules like automation, computer graphics, and community management. Similarly, in Cote d’Ivoire, our “STEM GIRLZ” project seeks to equip girls and young women with the ICT skills and knowledge they need to participate in the digital economy.

Most recently, we celebrated a significant milestone in MTN Uganda with the graduation of 70 young talents in Computer Applications through our MTN Girls in Tech program. The partnership with Smart Girls Foundation and their state-of-the-art training centre underscores our commitment to practical skills training. This achievement reflects our unwavering commitment to breaking down gender barriers in the digital domain.

Inclusion of girls is not just a moral imperative, but rather a necessity to secure the future for all. The force of collective responsibility cannot be underestimated; each of us has a role to play in this global endeavour, and the time for action is now.

What are you doing today to be part of the change?